Images: Pine Log S.T.E.M logo with red band and two feathers hanging from a letter P. Gerdau logo in blue with mirrored Gs. In one picture, two men are standing in front of a pile of sawdust and a pile of slag outside. In the second picture, a man is unloading slag from a landscaping trailer on the ground outside. Text: We are sending thanks to Gerdau and Tyler Franklin Landscaping. Phillip Sutton and Gerdau of Cartersville for the donation of a load of slag to our Killdeer sanctuary! We are also thankful for Tyler Franklin who picked up and delivered the slag to the Killdeer sanctuary site.
Text: Thank you! Thank you to Mack King and the hard-working County Line Fence crew for donating a fence and labor to keep the Pine Log Chicks safe while they free range. Center picture of County Line Fence sign and phone number 404-925-6758. caption in photo: Mack King and the County Line Fence crew. Pictures of men assembling a chain-link fence outside between two red-brick buildings on a background of dark green with a blurry chain-link fence graphic.
This is a screenshot of the BCSS 2024-2025 Academic Calendar - This calendar features the important dates such as the first day of school on August 1, Labor Day on September 2, a half day for students on September 18, Fall break September 30 through October 4, Thanksgiving break November 25-29, half day December 20, Christmas break December 23 through January 3, teacher planning January 6, MLK holiday January 20, Winter break February 17-21, half day March 11, Spring break April 7-11, and a half day on the last day of school May 23.
Be a Pine Log Partner! Partner Levels  Pine Log Elementary  Phone: 770-606-5864 Email:  Level I $250  Ad in yearbook  Thank you shout out on social media Logo placed on banner in the front office Level II $500 Ad in yearbook ¼ page 3-month social media recognition  Logo placed on banner in the front office Name of Field Day T-shirts Daily recognition on monitor in front office Level III $1000 Ad in yearbook ½ page Monthly social media recognition Logo placed on banner in the front office Name of Field Day T-shirts Naming rights to a school event Daily recognition on monitor in front office Sign displayed on fence Level IV $2000+ Ad in yearbook full page Monthly social media recognition Logo placed on banner in the front office Name of Field Day T-shirts Naming rights to 2 school events Daily recognition on monitor in front office Sign displayed on fence Opportunity to speak and display promotional materials at event Banner in cafeteria
lunch line with a staff member typing information onto a computer while students are in line choosing food  for their meal. Text says Free & reduced meal applications are available now!
Thank you to Adairsville Coffee Company for filling a 5-gallon bucket with coffee grounds that Kindergarten added to our compost bin. The soil that is created in the compost bin will be added to the raised garden bed and greenhouse for Kindergarten to study as part of their life cycles standards. We can always use more STEM partners! Please call Mr. Smith at 770-606-5864 or email him at Adairsville Coffee Company 6365 Joe Frank Harris, Parkway Adairsville, GA 30103 (770) 769-4755 Thank you to Adairsville Coffee Company for filling a 5-gallon bucket with coffee grounds that Kindergarten added to our compost bin. The soil that is created in the compost bin will be added to the raised garden bed and greenhouse for Kindergarten to study as part of their life cycles standards. We can always used more STEM partners! Please call Mr. Smith at 770-606-5864 or email him at Adairsville Coffee Company 6365 Joe Frank Harris Parkway Adairsville, GA 30103 770-769-4755 Pictures of a barista with a bucket of coffee grounds, exterior shot of coffee shop, cup of coffee, dove and coffee circle logo, Thank you spelled in coffee grounds
pictures of students in a musical titled Pirates! a musical. Program states: The Pine Log Elementary Chorus is proud to present  Pirates! the musical by John Jacobson & Roger Emerson, Directed by Emily Roberts and Kirsten Overby, with special thanks to Pam Johns  and the members of the PLES Art Club for the design and creation of our set and props.
IXL, green school icons background, sign in box, username @pineloges, password, remember check box sign in button, star symbol with text: access until June 30th
solar eclipse
Pine Log PTCO Presents Book Bingo $1 per Bingo card, March 7th, 5-7 pm, Prizes, Pine Log PTCO will be taking pre-orders for BBQ plates! $5 plates include one sandwich, one bag of chips, and one dringk! Scan to preorder online and pay with a card! Don't forget to include your child's info in the notes! Win books and credit to use at the book fair! There will be other concessions available for purchase the  night of the event, but preordering is strongly encouraged! Money/ordrers must be in no later than Tuesday, March 5th. Teacher's name, Child's name, Number of plates, Number of cards, money enclosed. cash or check accepted, but we can't give change! Please make checks out to Pine Log PTCO! order online at:
​Read Across America Week  Red, White, Blue, STEM, and History, too!  February 26-March 1  Monday (Blue/Blues) Dress as a musician or wear blue.  Tuesday (Black/Back) Dress as a historical figure or wear black.  Wednesday (White/Write) Dress as a writer/author or wear white.  Thursday (Green/STEM/Leap Day) Dress as a STEM career, something that leaps, or wear green.  Friday (Red/Read) Dress as a character or cover of a book you’ve read or wear the color red.  ​
chicken clip art, Chicken Day, January 18th, Celebrate our Pine Log chicks by wearing chicken-related clothing, hats, headbands, and jewelry or colors of the Pine Log chicks (black, gray, green, red). Homerooms will compee for a spirit award.
Moss Family Christmas Tree Farm Christmas Trees
Thanksgiving food drive November 13th - November 17th
Thank you to our 2023-2024 Sponsors! Pine Log Elementary . Sponsors and company logos:  Kaylor's Septic Servicing , LLC phone 770-597-3241. McStatts' Printing, more than just ink on paper. Kirkpatrick and Sons, grading and pipeline division, established 1965.  Storage Key, your key to storage. Coosa Valley Credit Union, experienced, always nearby, anyone can join. Michael Rhoads, Realtor and Associates. Eagle Sportz, (770) 607-6611
It was so great to see the PLES family celebrate book characters yesterday. Congratulations to the following students for being chosen as homeroom representatives (student choice), some by special staff members, and final placement by our judges, Nicole Stephens, Clint Terza, and Judson Smith.   Pre-K David F (tied 3rd place) Emily H. Judah B. Lilly M. Michael F. (tied 3rd place) Olivia S.  Kindergarten Amelia M. Blakeley P. Brynlee B. Ezra H.  Jose D. Julia Z. Mason S. (2nd place) Trace W. Zaylee T.  First grade Brayden W. Cecily L. Jasper H. Junior W. Kane G. Luke W. Reece T. Scarlett O. Tate D. Zayne R.  Second grade Avalyn M. Brooklyn H. Deacon B. Eli B. Ellie Ann S. Huck F. John Luke H. Reighns A. Zaylen L.  Third grade Braxton C. Camryn C. Gabe B. Haddie C. Hunter K. Rowan L. Sarah L.  Fourth grade Alisia B. Addy J. Brayden B. Collins B. Emmett S. (1st place) Jacob H. Katherine B. Van R.  Fifth grade Aiden H. Ashtyn C. Charlotte H. Ella U. Garretth B. Jasper C. Karson B. Mason B. Remi S. Sakura P. Sophia L.  Staff Fifth-grade and Students Support teachers
Pin eLog's Business Partners This image  contains the business logos for the following businesses  Kaylor Septic -  (770) 597-3241 Septic Tank line Repair & Maintenance | Kaylor Septic  Taylor & Son Convenient Store -(770) 387-2233  Tile Factory Outlet - 770-773-7726  Pritchard Injury Firm - (470) 577-8152 North Georgia Injury Attorneys | Pritchard Injury Firm  All Around Roofing -(770) 382-3588  Moss Family Christmas Tree Farm (770) 861-9676 www.mossfamilychristmastreefar...  Shaw Industries Group, Inc. (770) 607-2310  Shaw Industries Group, Inc. | Home (  Scoggins Custom Cabinets (770) 386-8991  Scoggins Custom Cabinets, Inc.  McStatts Printing (770) 382-7525  Home - McStatts' Printing - Cartersville GA  Kennesaw Transportation (770) 382-3748  Coosa Valley Federal Credit Union - (770) 382-7234
QR Code for Cognia parent survey