Read Across America Week
Red, White, Blue, STEM, and History, too!
February 26-March 1
Monday 26 (Blue/Blues) Read away the blues - Dress as a musician or wear blue.
Tuesday 27 (Black/Back) Go back in history - Dress as a historical figure or wear black.
Wednesday 28 (White/Write) Your future is like a page that is blank until you author it. What will you be writing today? Dress as a writer/author or wear white.
Thursday 29 (Green/STEM/Leap Day) Pine Log is leaping into STEM every day! Dress as a STEM career, something that leaps, or wear green.
Friday 1 (Red/Read) We love all the great books we've read. Dress as a character or cover of a book you’ve read or wear the color red.