Pine Log PTCO Presents Book Bingo $1 per Bingo card, March 7th, 5-7 pm, Prizes, Pine Log PTCO will be taking pre-orders for BBQ plates! $5 plates include one sandwich, one bag of chips, and one dringk! Scan to preorder online and pay with a card! Don't forget to include your child's info in the notes! Win books and credit to use at the book fair! There will be other concessions available for purchase the  night of the event, but preordering is strongly encouraged! Money/ordrers must be in no later than Tuesday, March 5th. Teacher's name, Child's name, Number of plates, Number of cards, money enclosed. cash or check accepted, but we can't give change! Please make checks out to Pine Log PTCO! order online at:

From the Pine Log PTCO...

Pine Log PTCO Presents Book Bingo 

March 7th, 5-7 pm

Prizes! $1 per Bingo card

Pine Log PTCO will be taking pre-orders for BBQ plates! $5 plates include one sandwich, one bag of chips, and one during! 

Win books and credit to use at the book fair! There will be other concessions available for purchase the night of the event, but preordering is strongly encouraged! Money/orders must be in no later than Tuesday, March 5th.  

Scan to preorder online and pay with a card!  Don't forget to include your child's info in the notes! Cash or check is accepted, but we can't give change! 

Please make checks out to Pine Log PTCO! order online at: