Cloverleaf Families, Please help us by completing this survey!
9 months ago, Cloverleaf Elementary School
survey qr code in spanish
Cloverleaf Families, We need your help!
9 months ago, Cloverleaf Elementary School
survey qr code
IT'S BAAAAAACK: Get ready! Registration for this year's FREE SUMMER STEM CAMP will open on March 18 at 6:00 p.m. SHARP! It'll be held in Cartersville at the Bartow County College and Career Academy June 17-20. By popular demand, this camp will be all day, 8:30-2:30 and include drones, robotics, virtual reality, esports, and more! The camp is available to all students CURRENTLY in grades 3-6 in Bartow County Schools.
11 months ago, Cloverleaf Elementary School
Bartow County School's STEM camp flyer
Congratulations to Azaan Muhammad for winning the Bartow County spelling bee! We are extremely proud of you and know you will do great at the regional spelling bee.
about 1 year ago, Mary Beth Stephens
Student winning the Bartow County school spelling bee.
Student holding spelling bee certificate
The CLES SPARK club is sponsoring a Personal Hygiene Drive.
about 2 years ago, Stefanie Gaddy
Personal Hygiene Drive
Go visit the story trail at Hamilton Crossing Park!
about 2 years ago, Stefanie Gaddy
Our December Students of the Month are motivated students!
about 2 years ago, Stefanie Gaddy
3rd dec sotm
4th dec sotm
5th dec sotm
Our December Students of the Month are motivated students!
about 2 years ago, Stefanie Gaddy
pre-k dec sotm
k dec sotm
1st dec sotm
2nd dec sotm
A message from Mr. Davis about our annual Veteran's Day program...
over 2 years ago, Stefanie Gaddy
Veterans Day message
The deadline to order is October 28th.
over 2 years ago, Stefanie Gaddy
square 1 art
square 1
Trunk or Treat opportunity at Cass High School!
over 2 years ago, Stefanie Gaddy
chs trunk or treat
On Wednesday wear Hawaiian clothes and "lei" off of drugs!
over 2 years ago, Stefanie Gaddy
Red Ribbon Week October 24-28 Tuesday- Wear your favorite sports team and "Team up to fight against drugs!"
over 2 years ago, Stefanie Gaddy
red ribbon
Red Ribbon Week October 24-28 Monday- Wear pajamas "Get more sleep and don't do drugs".
over 2 years ago, Stefanie Gaddy
Wear pink tomorrow!
over 2 years ago, Stefanie Gaddy
pink out
STEM night is October 27th!
over 2 years ago, Stefanie Gaddy
STEM night
Here's a special message from Mrs. Hauss about Square 1 Art.
over 2 years ago, Stefanie Gaddy
Square 1 Art
Help us grow our STEM endeavor!
over 2 years ago, Stefanie Gaddy
cents for stem
Hat Day is this Friday! Pay $1 to wear a hat to school!
over 2 years ago, Stefanie Gaddy
Thursday, August 25th, is picture day! Wear your best and say "cheese"!
over 2 years ago, Stefanie Gaddy
picture day