Collage of Public Library Teen Events

October is happening here at the public library! 

Every Monday, we have math tutoring from 4 - 6 p.m. on a first come - first served basis sponsored by Aha! I Got It! Tutoring Services. 

Chess Club meets every other Thursday from 6 - 7:30 p.m., with the exception of Halloween. There will be no session on Halloween.   We have chess clocks and get anywhere from 7 - 18 teens most times, so it's been great to see it grow!

We are starting a new Booktok TikTok program for teens who are interested in creating BookToks.  The skills and techniques can also transfer to other types of TikTok video creation, but we are primarily focusing on making book-related content for the library social media pages. 

We are having a Teen Monster Ball, featuring monstrous games, scavenger hunts, costume prizes and more!  It's a program in the same sort of style as Camp Half-Blood from last summer.  

Thank you so much for supporting the library!