We are proud to announce not only our Taylorsville Teacher of the Year, Bartow's Elementary Teacher of the Year, but our Bartow County Teacher of the Year, Ms. Bekah Rolley! Ms. Rolley is an outstanding educator that shines within our building. This journey has been surreal and what an amazing honor for Ms. Rolley to represent our building and our county! We are extremely proud of her!
Bekah Rolley grew up in Bartow County with her mom, dad, stepdad, and brother. She is a first-generation college graduate with a Bachelor of science in early childhood education from Kennesaw State University. In college, she moved her degree from psychology to education after volunteering at a local school. Ms. Rolley remembers the impact her teachers, specifically Mr. Ballentine in 5th grade at Cloverleaf Elementary, had on her education and wants to do the same for the students in her classroom. In 2018, Ms. Rolley attended Arkansas State University for a Master of education with a major in elementary education. Ms. Rolley’s latest degree was a Specialists in education with a major in elementary education completed at the University of West Georgia in 2021. She currently teaches fourth grade reading, writing, and social studies at Taylorsville Elementary. Ms. Rolley is a member of her school’s guiding coalition, a leadership team at the school level. She is a member of the grading committee at the county level and is the lead of the grading subcommittee at the school level. She is a member of the Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEM) committee that has helped lead the school towards county level STEM certification. Ms. Rolley also serves as a mentor teacher to new teachers in the county. Finally, she helps with promoting student learning, upcoming events, and student achievements on the school’s social media pages. Ms. Rolley is using her personal school experiences, her degrees, and her collaborative team and colleagues to be a better teacher every day.
Enjoy this video created by Alicia Evans of all 3 finalists for Bartow Teacher of the Year!