Transition Meetings

Red Top offers several transition meetings in order to ease the move from one educational level to the next.

We began this school year with a Red Top 101 night. It introduces all parents to the basics of Red Top including all of the following and more:

  • who to contact with questions

  • curriculum

  • grading practices

  • dress code

  • intro to teachers, admin, and staff

  • technology resources available

  • STEM

Red Top 101 took place on August 20th.

For our 8th graders, our counselors work with students during the school day to build transition plans to the high school. Students learn about Pathways, credits, and all kinds of useful information to help ease the transition to high school. This begins in the classes during the month of October and continues through the school year.

On January 24th, CHS counselors will be on campus to meet with 8th graders and their parents to schedule classes for their freshman school year. We are still waiting on a date for WHS students; however, we will let you know as soon as that information is available.

Finally, in May we will host our annual 5th Grade Transition Night. We welcome our future Miners to meet their teachers, explore the building, receive some educational resources to use over the summer, and learn more about RTMS. The morning of this event we also welcome 5th grade students to tour our building with their elementary school.