Parents, you may be aware that we are experiencing an internet outage at Mission Road school.  Because we are unable to receive your emails at this time, we recommend you call the school directly with attendance, bus or other matters.
5 months ago, Sherrie Hughes
Come join us at Festival Internacional!
6 months ago, Michelle Hall
A great opportunity!
6 months ago, Michelle Hall
drive thru pantry pick up
Beginning Monday, we will begin using our new entrance for morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up. The morning will be single lane drop-off and the afternoon will continue to be double lane pick-up. This will help get traffic off Mission Road. The entrance we have been using will be used for staff. Thank you for being patient with us! Please see the photo below for the new entrance location.
7 months ago, Sherrie Hughes
new car rider drop-off and pick-up
School Supply list for 2024-2025 school year
7 months ago, Michelle Hall
pk supplies24
Please mark your calendars!
about 1 year ago, Michelle Hall
OOZ/OOD information
Congratulations to our MRES Spelling Bee winner and Runner-up, Journee Jacobs and Cyrus Waite.
over 1 year ago, Michelle Hall
4th and 5th grade Spelling Contestants
MRES winner and Runner-Up
Just a reminder Friday is Book Character Day!
over 1 year ago, Michelle Hall
book character
MRES had a great time celebrating DOT Day on September 15th!
over 1 year ago, Kim Wynn
Our BOOKFAIR is next week! 9/25-9/29 Grandparent's Day will be Tuesday from 10-1 and Late Night will be Thursday from 2:15-5:30. Can't wait to see you!
over 1 year ago, Kim Wynn
Title 1 packets
over 1 year ago, Michelle Hall
title 1 paperwork
Mrs.Davenport's September Book Challenge will come home today along with Progress Reports and important information on beginning of the year assessments. Please check your child's bookbag and folders.
over 1 year ago, Michelle Hall
September Book Challenge
We hope to see you tonight at our Title 1 Back to School night.
over 1 year ago, Michelle Hall
We hope to see you tonight at our Back to School Title 1 night!
Staff members signing the beam!
over 1 year ago, Kim Wynn
signing the beam
signing the beam
signing the beam
MRES student artwork is on display at the Cartersville Public Library. The artwork is amazing!
about 2 years ago, MRES STAFF
MRES Artwork on Display
Congratulations Gracen for winning the school spelling bee! Gracen will represent MRES at the county spelling bee later in the year.
over 3 years ago, MRES STAFF
Gracen won the spelling bee
Fifth grade was all in for book character day!
over 3 years ago, MRES STAFF
5th Grade
Today was book character day at Mission Road. Students from Mr. Harger's class dressed as their favorite book characters!
over 3 years ago, MRES STAFF
Mr. Harger's Class
WE HAVE A WINNER: The Bartow County School System Teacher of the Year is Michael Kobito, Woodland High School teacher and band director! Congratulations to our runners-up, Natalie McPherson and Katie Hamilton! What wonderful representations of the BCSS!
over 3 years ago, Alisha Evans
teacher of the year
teacher of the year
teacher of the year
Mission Road Elementary had some special visitors for Fire Safety Awareness Week.
over 3 years ago, MRES STAFF
Fire Safety