school supplies with glue, pencils, crayons, and a folder

Please see the attached lists.


*Nap Mat 


*Book Bag (large enough to carry a blanket and folder) 

*Change of clothes in a labeled zipper bag 

*4x6 Family Photo 




*Pencil Box 

*Hand soap 

*Paper Towels 

*Hand Sanitizer 


First Grade 

*1 pair of DURABLE over-ear headphones 

*1 full size book bag (no minis or draw strings 

*1 full set of clothes to keep in book bag 

*1 bottle of GermX hand sanitizer 

Second Grade 


*Book Bag 

*Zippered Pencil Pouch 


Third Grade 

*1 Pair of Earbuds (must fit in a pencil pouch) 

*2 Bottles of Hand Sanitizer 

*1 Bottle of Hand Soap 

*2 Rolls of Paper Towel 

* 1 Pencil Pouch 

*1 Book Bag (no rolling bags, please) 


Fourth Grade 

*1 Headphone 

*1 Pencil Pouch 

*1 Book Bag  

*1 Hand Sanitizer (Girls only) 

*1 Hand Soap (Boys only) 


Fifth Grade 

*Headphones or Earbuds (MANDATORY) 

*1 Box of 12 colored pencils 

*1 Pencil Pouch (No boxes) 

*1 Book Bag (No rolling book bags, please) 


Special Areas Wish List 

* pipe cleaners 

* contractor garbage bags 

* clear straws 

* foam pipe insulation 

* neon color copy paper 

* Clorox sanitizing wipes 

pencils  crayons 

markers color pencils 

* liquid soap 

* Lysol spray 

Wish List Items 

The BCSS is providing many of the items below, however, we often run out of these items as the year goes on and it is great to have extras on hand. We welcome any donations!  

Pre- sharpened pencils 

Expo dry erase markers (black, blue, green) 

Crayola crayons (24 pack) 

Crayola colored pencils (12 pack) 

Cap erasers 

Glue sticks 

Notebook Paper 

Individually Wrapped Candy 

Play Dough 

Magic Erasers 

Seed Packets 

Pipe Cleaners 

Legos (used are great) 

Dish Soap 


Long Jump Ropes