Happy Birthday to Miss DeKoker, one of our fantastic second grade teachers. We hope you have an amazing celebrating. Featured here are Miss DeKoker with just a few of her sweet students and family.
over 3 years ago, CCES
DeKoker 3
DeKoker 1
DeKoker 4
Welcome to Clear Creek's 2021 Virtual Title I and Grade Level Orientation. Please click the link below to get started. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vR2jTzqaYLMc0Fz4HM0E0zydmKfAWrus4Eu9puQh-n0Zz007s_Vu5unb787slpp-KDQjFAoBy76hZxU/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000
over 3 years ago, CCES
Back to School Night
Happy Birthday to Mrs. Doster, one of sweet first grade teachers. Mrs. Doster, we hope you have a wonderful day celebrating! Featured here are Mrs. Doster with her husband and children.
over 3 years ago, CCES
Our Annual Title I Meeting and Grade Level Orientation will be virtual this year. Please continue to check Facebook, our school webpage, and Twitter for links.
over 3 years ago, CCES
title 1
Happy Birthday to Mrs. Miro, one of our amazing third grade teachers! Mrs. Miro, we hope you have a wonderful day celebrating! Featured here are Mrs. Miro with her husband, family, and a few of her sweet students.
over 3 years ago, CCES
Wondering what to have for dinner? Join us tonight at Chick-fil-A for Spirit Night from 3:00-8:00 p.m.
over 3 years ago, CCES
We are proud of all the students exhibiting outstanding behavior in special areas! Here are the winners from August 27.
over 3 years ago, Robin Morrow
Kudos Winners 8/27
Kudos Winners 8/27
Congratulations to Cristian for winning a drone by participating in the fall fundraiser!
over 3 years ago, Robin Morrow
Fall Fundraiser Winner
Mrs. Page’s 2nd grade class discussed the essential standards they are currently learning and created the learning ladders students will use to track their learning through the units.
over 3 years ago, Robin Morrow
Mrs. Page’s second graders created learning ladders together .
Don't forget! No school on Monday.
over 3 years ago, CCES
Labor Day
Congratulations to our 2021-2022 Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Savannah Wilson! Mrs. Wilson teaches 5th grade grade where she helps students accomplish great things while also preparing them for middle school.
over 3 years ago, Robin Morrow
CCES Teacher of the Year: Mrs. Savannah Wilson
Flu shot consent forms are coming home today. Please complete and return these forms by Friday, September 24th if you would like your child to receive the flu vaccine.
over 3 years ago, CCES
Flu Shot
We enjoyed Blue vs. Green Spirit Day and Kona Ice on Friday, 8/27!
over 3 years ago, Robin Morrow
Mrs. Kern’s 3rd Grade Class Future Tigers
Kona Ice on Blue vs. Green Day 8/27
Kona Ice on Blue vs. Green Day 8/27
Kona Ice on Blue vs. Green Day 8/27
Show your team spirit this Friday, September 3rd, for College Colors Day. Wear your favorite team's spiritwear or colors!
over 3 years ago, CCES
College Colors Day
Miss Sadie B. (2nd Grade, Mrs. Page) came to read to Mrs Grant and Mrs. Yvette's Pre K class on Friday. The kids thoroughly enjoyed the story and getting to have a special reader for the morning. They thought it was neat that she was a former student of theirs and how when they get older they could have a chance to do the same for other classes. Thank you, Sadie!
over 3 years ago, Robin Morrow
Sadie B, Guest Reader, in Mrs. Grant’s PreK Class
Sadie B, Guest Reader, in Mrs. Grant’s PreK Class
Sadie B, Guest Reader, in Mrs. Grant’s PreK Class
Congratulations to our AHS Tiger Point of Pride recipient, Rylee B! She will be recognized on the football field at tomorrow night’s Adairsville High School football game.
over 3 years ago, Robin Morrow
AHS Tiger Point of Pride Recipient: Rylee B
A day late, but certainly not forgotten. Happy Birthday to one of our amazing fifth grade teachers, Miss Wood. We hope you had a wonderful day celebrating!
over 3 years ago, CCES
woods 1
Congratulations to these awesome kids who were caught doing great things in Special Areas last week! We are grateful to @LakePoint Station for helping us recognize these students!
over 3 years ago, Robin Morrow
Kudos Winners August 20, 2021
Kudos Winners August 20, 2021
Please look for your child's copy of our Title I packet that will be coming home today.
over 3 years ago, CCES
Title I