
End of Grade Assessments (Milestones) will be held Monday, April 29th thru Monday, May 6th for all third, fourth, and fifth grade students. The testing dates and subjects will go as follows:

April 29th - ELA Section I

April 30th - ELA Section II

May 1st - ELA Section III

May 2nd - Math Section I

May 3rd - Math Section II

May 6th - Science I and II (5th grade only)

Makeup Days will be held May 7th-9th.

Parents, it is strongly encouraged that you make an extra effort to have your child present and on time for testing. A student is considered tardy if they enter the building after 8:05 a.m. We cannot disrupt testing after it has started. If a child arrives to school after testing has started, he/she will not be allowed to enter the testing environment and will make-up that session during make-up days. Additionally, make sure that your child gets a good night's rest and eats a healthy breakfast.