Parents, are you curious what the Georgia Milestones Assessment looks like or how to help your child prepare for the test? Just click on the link below to see Georgia Milestones Parent Resources.
Jandy's is coming on Wednesday! Don't forget to bring your money!
8th grade parents: It is time to honor your child with a tribute in the yearbook. Get your tribute in soon! Sale ends February 28th.
It's almost time for spring sports! See tryout information here!
If you are an 8th grader or the parent of an 8th grader, it is time to start thinking about what life after high school will look like. Join us to examine some of the options that are available.
Have you been writing short stories, poetry, essays, or other work that you would like to enter into the Young Georgia Author's competition? Tomorrow is the due date! Get your work to your ELA teacher or Mrs. Madden. We will select a winner from each grade level to advance to the county competition. Don't be shy. We know we have some incredible writers at CMS!
Baseball tryouts are coming soon!
Congratulations to the CMS Band! We are so incredibly proud of all the students who auditioned for district band Saturday! We are also so proud of our Band booster organization that made Saturday a success for all students in district 7!
When you see these awesome students congratulate them on making district honor band. Cass middle school also had a record number of students (8!) that will pass to the next round and try out for all state in January!
Congratulations to all involved!
Happy holidays to all our students and their families!
Cass Middle is excited for our SPIRIT WEEK next week! Check out the theme for each day and start planning your holiday attire!
8th graders attending Cass High School next year are invited along with their family to a parent night. It will take place Thursday, January 23rd at 6:00 PM at Cass High School. Take time to meet the counselors and learn the ins and out of CHS.
CMS teachers and staff are so thankful for the wonderful charcuterie board that was provided for us today!
Jandy's Yogurt is here today!
Attention 8th Grade Students: Magnet Applications are open now until December 9th.
Our Helping Hands Ending Hunger Group at CMS has been collecting non-perishable food for our food drive. You have until Friday to get those goods turned in. These items will be distributed to our families in need over the holiday season.
Colonels baseball will be here before you know it!
Don't forget our canned food drive is taking place now until November 22nd. Look through your pantries or buy a few extra things when at the grocery store to help students and their families in our CMS community.
Parents: It's time to buy a tribute page in the yearbook for your 8th graders!
Our canned food drive begins Monday November 4th and lasts until November 22nd. Any non-perishable food items can be donated. Students can turn items in to their Homeroom teacher or in the front office. These items will help stock our Helping Hands Ending Hunger food pantry. This pantry helps CMS students and their families.
Don't forget to bring your money tomorrow for Jandy's !