The Bartow County College and Career Academy is tremendously proud of Eddie's success in winning the Young Georgia Authors' Competition for the Senior level of 2023! Eddie was a Senior in Dr. Skinner's Advanced Composition class at the BCCCA. This is what she had to say about Eddie:
He is an extremely bright student, who is always eager to learn and is diligent to work on higher level presentation projects, as well as sustaining brilliant/creative writing abilities. Additionally, he was always willing to collaborate with various partners on group and digital assignments. Eddie had indicated in his goals’ essay for the class, he wants to attend a university and further his education. I believe he will be a profoundly serious and astute student in a future university program. Eddie has already shown great aptitude and appreciation for higher education and excellence, based on interactive discussions in class, and in his writing abilities.
Congratulations to Eddie DeBartolo!!!