AMS yearbooks have arrived and will be handed out Tuesday during homeroom. Distance learners can pick up your yearbooks from the front office.
almost 4 years ago, Adairsville Middle School
Yearbook Image
Give a Kid a Chance
almost 4 years ago, Adairsville Middle School
Give a Kid a Chance
Odyssey of the Mind will be having a bake sale this Wednesday and Thursday. All proceeds will help fund their trip to the WORLD FINALS this summer in Orlando! Congrats!!
almost 4 years ago, Adairsville Middle School
AMS Awards Day: May 20th (8th 8:30) (7th 9:30) (6th 10:30)
almost 4 years ago, Adairsville Middle School
AMS Awards Day, May 20th
AMS Awards Day, May 20th
AMS Awards Day, May 20th
AMS Awards Day, May 20th
Upcoming 6th Grade Orientation: May 13th @6pm in the AMS Gym
almost 4 years ago, Adairsville Middle School
6th Grade Orientation
Summer Volleyball Camp hosted by the AHS Volleyball Team
almost 4 years ago, Adairsville Middle School
Volleyball Camp
Kona Ice will be at AMS during lunch this Friday, May 7th.
almost 4 years ago, Adairsville Middle School
Kona Ice