English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)

What's Happening in Bartow County?

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Kristy Mitchell, EdS.
Program Coordinator
770-606-5800, ext. 2043


The Bartow County ESOL program is standards-based and emphasizes academic and social language development. ESOL coursework is based upon WIDA Consortium English Language Development Standards while simultaneously integrating grade appropriate content standards to ensure that all English Learners (ELs) are successful. The ESOL program also provides access to resources and facilitates communication between the school district and home to allow parents and families of ELs to play an active role in their child’s education. Bartow County has a dynamic ESOL program, serving students in grades K-12 who are learning English as a second language. 

Professional Learning 

ESOL Endorsement Program
The ESOL Endorsement Program is a three course, 150 seat hour program approved by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission. Announcements regarding the availability and application process are sent via email. Contact your principal if you would like to work toward an ESOL endorsement.

ESOL Professional Learning Community
All ESOL teachers will participate in PLC meetings. The goal of these sessions is to provide an opportunity for vertical planning, student data analysis, sharing of program information and best practices. ESOL and content area teachers collaborate to ensure lessons are scaffolded so ALL learners can access content.

Professional Learning Workshops
ESOL workshops and training will be provided for ESOL and regular education teachers as well as administrators and support staff throughout the year. 



How does a student become eligible for the ESOL program?
the WIDA Screener (second semester first grader through twelfth grade) or MODEL (kindergarten through first semester first grade) screener, or have been eligible for English language services in another school system at the time of transferring to Bartow County.

Why was my child selected for ESOL screening?
In every registration packet for Bartow County Schools there is a form titled, “Home Language Survey.” This survey asks 4 questions:

  1.  Which language does your child most frequently speak at home?

  2.  Which language do adults in your home most frequently use when speaking with your child?

  3.  Which language does your child currently understand or speak?

  4.  If possible, would you prefer notice of school activities in a language other than English?    Yes     No

If yes, which language?   ________________________________________
If any of the 3 questions are answered with any answer other than “English,” the WIDA screener will be administered.

Who can I talk to if I have a question about my child’s ESOL classes?
You can contact the ESOL teacher at your child’s school to discuss ESOL classes, accommodations, and testing.