Dress Code

Dress Code for Grades 3-12
Clothing in General
Clean and well kept
No aggressive and/or violent graphics
Must not display alcohol, drugs, weapons, tobacco, or obscene/profane language
No racially divisive or inflammatory symbols such as swastikas or gang signs
No see-through clothing of any kind
Must not display the midriff, sides or back
Must be appropriately sized
Pants and Slacks
Tailored pants or jeans
Must be worn at the natural waistline
No holes, frays or patches that allow skin, underwear, or undergarments to be seen are permitted.
Must not touch floor
Spandex or fish net leggings/jeggings should not be worn as stand-alone clothing.
Shirts and Blouses
Blouses must extend to the end of the shoulder.
Anything T-strapped, spaghetti-strapped, halter tops or tank tops must be covered by a jacket at all times.
No halter tops or tank tops
Skirts, Dresses and Jumpers
No more than 4” above the knee
No longer than the top of the shoes
Pleats, vents, slits or buttoned openings cannot be open more than 4” above the knee.
Shorts, Culottes and Skorts
No shorter than 4” above the knee
No cutoffs or spandex shorts
Athletic style shorts for physical education or after-school sports only
Must be worn at all times
Laces must be laced and tied
No shoes with wheels/roller skates/etc.
Coats, Jackets and Sweaters
Oversized outerwear must be removed after entering the building
Nothing obscene or violent in nature
Visible body-piercing jewelry limited to ears. Body piercings covered by surgical tape, Band-Aids , etc. are prohibited
Head Gear
No hats, sun-visors, bandanas, hair rollers or non-prescription sunglasses can be worn inside the building
Disciplinary actions will be taken to ensure compliance with dress code requirements. The principal or any other duly authorized school official shall determine whether any particular mode of dress or grooming results in violation of the spirit or intent of this rule.