WHS Dual Enrollment
Georgia’s Dual Enrollment Program provides students enrolled at an eligible public or private high school or home study program in Georgia the opportunity to earn high school and college credit at a participating eligible postsecondary institution in Georgia.
Georgia’s Dual Enrollment Program offers students the opportunity to experience college courses and begin their college academic career while still in high school and provides for standard tuition, mandatory fees and required books.
WHS Dual Enrollment Parent Night Presentation
GSFC Dual Enrollment Information Link
STEP ONE: Attend Info Session to receive and review the Dual Enrollment Intent Letter.
STEP TWO: College Admission Application
Students must apply for admission as a Dual Enrollment student to the postsecondary institution (college) before completing the GAFutures Dual Enrollment application.
University System of Georgia DE Information
Technical College System of Georgia DE Information
Chattahoochee Tech DE Information Page - 2022 Presentation
Georgia Highlands College DE Information Page
STEP THREE: Dual Enrollment Funding Application
Click here to view a tutorial video of the application process.
The student must first create a GAFutures account profile that includes the student’s correct information (legal name, email address, home address, social security number and date of birth).
Upon selecting the Dual Enrollment funding application, the student’s GAFutures account profile will auto populate the funding application.
Within the application the student must provide a parent/guardian’s email address for the parent/guardian to electronically complete and sign the Dual Enrollment Participation Agreement for their student.
The student will receive an application ID upon submission of the application and should provide the application ID to the parent/guardian.
The parent/guardian will receive an email with instructions to complete and sign the Dual Enrollment Participation The parent/guardian will be prompted to provide the student’s date of birth and the application ID (as provided and emailed to the student) or student’s social security number and date of birth. The parent/guardian may visit GAfutures.org\DE Parent Agreement to access the paper agreement.
The high school and postsecondary institution must approve the student’s online application prior to the term and by the deadlines set by the school and college or last day of the term at the latest.
STEP FOUR: Contact the High School Dual Enrollment Coordinator to discuss plans for course selection and graduation.
WHS Dual Enrollment Coordinator: Kristin Anderson
STEP FIVE: Contact the College Dual Enrollment Advisor to discuss plans for coursework, class REGISTRATION, and any financial issues.
Chattahoochee Tech: Dual.Enroll@ChattahoocheeTech.edu
Georgia Highlands: dualenroll@highlands.edu
Kennesaw State: owladvisingde@kennesaw.edu
Be aware of deadlines:
Summer Term Application: March 1st
Fall Term Application: April 1st
Spring Term Application: November 1st
YOU CANNOT DROP OR WITHDRAW FROM A DUAL ENROLLMENT CLASS after the high school drop/add window.
You are committed for a minimum of 1 semester.
A dropped course will show up as a 65 on the student's high school transcript (Bartow County BOE Policy).
Grade Conversion
Letter Grades from colleges are converted to numerical grades for high school transcripts: A=95, B=85, C=77, D=72, F=65
Five additional points will be added to final grade for all DE courses passed.
These additional points will be stripped by the GSFC (HOPE Program) and by most colleges.
Dual Enrollment grades are included in determining a student's high school HOPE GPA as determined by the GSFC.
Dual Enrollment hours do NOT count towards the HOPE or Zell Miller Scholarship hours limit and are not included in a student's postsecondary HOPE GPA.
Student must meet college admission requirements.
Funding is capped at 30 semester hours.
Term maximum is 15 semester hours.
High school and college breaks seldom match. You may be in class during Spring Break!
How does my Dual Enrollment credit transfer to a different college?
Georgia Transfer (GAtracs) collaborated with GAfutures to create the College Credit Course Tool. This tool is available to anyone who wants to explore credit transfer opportunities at Georgia's colleges and universities.
Click here to see how your credits will transfer to another Georgia College!
IMPORTANT: The information shown in the College Credit course tool is not final, and you should contact the institution of interest for final decision for a final decision on transfer credit.